Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Why are we in Iraq?

Well this question has pondered  everyone from the political minds in our government  to the layman in every city and even to students in colleges across the nation. This question has been posed in different forms and versions since 2003 when the United States Military invaded Iraq but here I am today still been faced with the same question; a question even our President hasn't till date answered confidently and sincerely. To some, we are in Iraq because they had weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and they posed a treat to the US and the world as large. Members of our government even took it a step further;Donald Rumsfeld said he could even pinpoint the actual locations of these WMDs and Colin Powell boasted to the UN the actual weight in pounds of how much weapons Iraq was concealing. Nonetheless, the UN's inspectors could find anything and the US government could assist to protect their confidential sources... Moving on! 
Another possible explanation for our massacre in Iraq was to dethrone Saddam Hussein the dictator but then we all know the long history of the US working hand in hand with Saddam as well as other "dictators" especially when it is to our interest as a nation. 

 Point is this wasn't the reason either why we went to war because the UN has in place procedures for dealing with war criminals and leaders like Saddam as seen with the those involved in Rwanda's genocide.
Bottom line to me at least is that we went to war for our selfish economic reasons and whatever positives we got out of that like dethroning Saddam and introducing democracy is nothing more than a cover-up. The US sought to control Iraq be it for its oil or whatever natural resources because it once more put us in control of other nations who might need these resources and more importantly restored the US as the "superior" nation. Supporting this train of thought crossing the minds of every free-thinking American, Harley Sorensen even writes that; " conquering Iraq was the first step toward dominating the oil-producing nations of the Middle East and eventually the world" as well "eliminate Iraq as a treat to other nations like Israel!  

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