Over the last few years in particular, the cry for mankind to be more "Eco-sensitive" or in other words to be green has grown louder. The effects of our pollution and total disregard for nature is affecting this ecosystem we call earth and as scientists dwell on how to save migratory birds and animal species whose livelihood have been disrupted by the drastic changes, even the layman is noticing as the temperatures are getting hotter and the snow caps are disappearing on the mountain tops! The plea to mankind has been for us to use cheaper and Eco-friendly fuel sources, cut down on our lavish lifestyles, refraining from the excess use of chemical in farming and animal husbandry that only lead to the defacing of mother earth, and saving the forest just a to name a few in the name of giving our future generations home on earth rather than trying to invade mars!
As i echo out this plea of self-examination and call on us all to help curb this growing problem of Global warming, i want to point out something interesting, something we need to exemplify as a human race. What does it mean to be green? I say to be green means we should be more like plants! We should use more natural and Eco-friendly energy sources (sunlight) rather than coal and oil which burn and release hazardous toxins into our atmosphere. I say we use install solar panels on our rooftops and fight for our tax-dollars to be spent to foster research for lithium battery cars rather than ground breaking techniques to eradicate wrinkles on our faces. Nonetheless, i suggest that for the time being when we still have to use electricity or oil to light up and heat up or houses respectively, how about we turn the lights and heaters of when we leave the house!
We can also follow the footsteps of our Kingdom Plantae relatives who have mastered the act of recycling. In a world where things are manufactured with the sole purpose of being thrash and where we are running out of space for dump sites and the rivers and seas are becoming overly polluted, i think we should rethink our thrash issues. If possible, we should all go through our thrash and see if we can reuse stuff or recycle them before disposing of them the same way plants use oxygen from photosynthesis in respiration and carbon dioxide from respiration in the manufacturing of glucose!!
The time to act is now and as i take this personal vow to become green ( NO; not like the incredible hulk) and i beg you all do the same and join in making our beautiful home more habitable and have other life forms (from different planets) envy us rather than we trying to see if we can live on Mars or wherever!!!!

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